Mothers Day
Hike in the Shenandoah Mountains
Charlotte's Mothers Day gift she made in preschool
Bryce and I went to a winery with the MOPS group. Don't worry no wine testing for me. Just taking in the beauty of the fields and rows of grape vines
Face painting from the Fun Fair!
Bryce is getting to be all boy
Love note from Kathryn! So cute!
Bryce at his 18 month appt
Bryce loves Chick-Fil-A sauce
He also loves baths even after he's gotten out and in jammies.
Our swing in the front yard, this is great balance for Charlotte to be stable enough to push her on the swing.
We have 4 laying hens and Bryce things he's the Rooster!
Can't say you've lived until you can swing with a chicken.
Charlotte's 4th Birthday
Our late snow's in March. Charlotte wanted to make Olaf.
After Bryce's first hair cut!