Sunday, July 8, 2012

I have a big Walker now!

Charlotte took her first unassisted steps on June 6, 2012!!  That was an exciting day.    Now a month later  she walks all over the house.  Whenever she can she's walking.  We even just got a walker from the SB group here from their Loan Closet and well, I'm not so sure she needs it.   maybe for Long distances but I am so happy for her progress right now. 

She is our big walker right now.  It's so fun to see her try and try again!  She is so determined.   This is so fun because she'll for sure be walking circles around us by her 30 month visit to the MOMS evaluation in January!  I can't wait to show her off!   Well and how beautiful my little girl is! 

I also don't feel as overwhelmed having a new baby coming in November.  Charlotte will be able to get around without me having to do all the carrying!  maybe by then she'll be able to get out to the car on her own.   That would be a blessing.  Right now I have to hold her hand the whole way there.   But if she could get even down our steps I could help her down the curb and into the car. 

Here's to an amazing Future!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Boy oh Boy we're Having a Boy!

So we're having a boy!  We found out on Monday the 18th.  Exactly 18 weeks so Carolin could come and find out with us.  She left 2 days later.   I'm so excited for a boy!  We're all excited for a boy.  Kathryn said it from the start that he was going to be a boy.  I guess she was right!    He was measuring about a week early so maybe we'll end up having a Halloween baby.  

Everyone keeps asking me about names.  I hadn't thought much about boy names.  If it was going to be a girl I  liked Lyla  from the movie August Rush.   But We only teased about boy names.  Two that kind of stuck out more were Bryce and Peter.   But as I was laying there after Matthew took the girls out cause Charlotte couldn't handle me getting poked with the ultrasound stick  his name came to me.  I'm pretty sure his name is going to be Bryce Matthew Weir.   Matthew is all about initials spelling things so  BMW  is going to fit right in. 

We have a KOW  which is only a K cause I wasn't going to allow Matthew to have our daughters initials actually be COW.  and then we have a CAW. 

I've been thinking that maybe his name should be more classic like Kathryn and Charlotte are.  Like Jonathan or Christopher.   But none of them are sticking like Bryce is.  My sister Rachel mentioned Harrison.  I actually kind of like that but we'll see. 

So we'll be adding a little bit of blue into the home.  I"m excited for cars and trains and all the things that boys bring to a family.  Scouts and such too.  I'm 20 weeks along.  only 18-19 more to go!

oh and whats a post without a few pictures.