Monday, May 27, 2013

Purging= Peace of Mind

So we're moving and you know what that means...   Mess everywhere for weeks and then you get to that point where you want to throw everything away. 

I'm at that point.  Nothing is safe...

I did come across my last years calendar and thought of a fun post I could write about in the midst of my purging. 

Ok I just need a break.  Here it is

How many doctor appointments do I go to in one year?!

Physical Therapy - Charlotte
MRI - Charlotte
Dentist - Matthew
Nuero - Charlotte
Physical Therapy - Charlotte

Renal Ultrasound- Charlotte
VCUG - Charlotte
Podiatrist - Heather
Physical Therapy - Charlotte
Pediatrician  Well Visit - Kathryn
Podiatrist - Heather
Developmental Therapy - Charlotte
Physical Therapy - Charlotte
Orthotic Solutions - Charlotte

Physical Therapy - Charlotte
Urology - Charlotte
OB - Heather
Physical Therapy - Charlotte
Developmental Therapy- Charlotte

Ophthalmology - Charlotte
OB - Heather
Physical Therapy - Charlotte
Pediatrician Well Visit - Charlotte
Orthopedics - Charlotte

Developmental Therapy - Charlotte
OB - Heather
Endocrinologist- Heather
Orthotic Solutions - Charlotte
Physical Therapy - Charlotte
Physical Therapy - Charlotte

OB - Heather
Physical Therapy - Charlotte
Ultrasound - Heather
Dentist - Kathryn and Heather
Physical Therapy - Charlotte

OB - Heather
Endocrinologist - Heather
Physical Therapy - Charlotte
Dentist - Matthew

Physical Therapy - Charlotte
OB- Heather
Endocrinologist - Heather
Orthotic Solutions - Charlotte

Ultrasound - Heather
OB - Heather
Endocrinologist- Heather
Orthotic Solutions - Charlotte

OB - Heather
MRI - Charlotte
Physical Therapy - Charlotte
Nose Surgery - Matthew
Labor and Delivery - Heather
Steroid Shot- Heather
OB- Heather
Ophthalmology - Charlotte
Physical Therapy - Charlotte
Orthotic Solutions - Charlotte
Urology- Charlotte
Have a baby - Heather
Pediatrician  - Bryce
Blood test - Bryce

Pediatrician - Charlotte
Orthotic Solutions - Charlotte
Orthopedics - Charlotte
Pediatrician- Charlotte
Endocrinologist - Heather
OB - Heather


WOW - That is a lot. 67 visits!  That's not even all of Matthew's doctor visits.  He had his fair share this year too.    And now we're into the next year with a bang and lots of visits already. 

But the best part is that I did it and I didn't go insane.  Well maybe I did in October but I was having a baby it was ok to be a little insane.

I'd like to thank all who helped with baby sitting and such for all of these said appointments.  And thank you to all future friends who will help with these appointments. as they will continue my whole life or rather Charlotte's whole life.   Hopefully they won't be as numerous or as often.  I'm almost to have all the visits be one year visits. 

So there you go  now I can throw away my last years calendar. 

Thanks for letting me Purge one more thing!