Monday, March 23, 2009

Kathryns Photo Shoot

I got the CD of some of the pictures that Liz took of Kathryn. She is such a cutie. Well I said earlier that Kathryn was all serious the whole time but I guess Liz was fast at the draw cause she got a few with Kathryn smiling!

Ok so everytime I want to add pictures I can't. So this will have to wait till Matt gets home to show me how to make these pictures smaller. I hope that is it cause these pictures are the cutest of my baby!


Michelle said...

I can't wait to see those pics! How fun to watch your little girl grow! She's blessed to have you as her mom! LY!

shannonb said...

What a sweetheart! Those turned out great. She's getting so BIG!

The Palacio Place said...

I love your photos. She is so cute!

DaNelle said...

Cute pics! Sorry I didn't reply to your comment earlier, you should definitely get the dog, as long as he doesn't mark, unneutered dogs tend to do that. Our male is driving us crazy, we have to keep an eye on him when he's inside. But maybe that's because he's around females all the time, maybe he feels the need to mark his territory. Let me know what you do!

Kat M said...

Those are CUTE pictres!!!! Are you guys putting some put on the wall?