Matts younger brother John got married October 25th. That meant lots of family in town! It was great to have all of Matt's brothers and Sisters here for the event. Even thought not all the in-laws came and kids it was great to have the family together. They all started arriving on Wednesday last week. Jolene and her son Devin stayed with us and were the first to arrive with Granny Allen.
She stayed with her son Ben that lives behind us. Matt's dad Mick, came that night as well. Brian and family came in Wednesday night really late and stayed at Johns place for one night.
Ted's flight came in from Kentucky the next morning about 9.
Then we all went on a hike in south Mountain. It was fun and hot and tiring for all the little kiddos. Kathryn was a trooper but we did turn around half way to go sit at the park and wait for the rest. Kathryn fell asleep in the carrier Matt had for her on the way down. She got a sunburn on her big cheeks and chin. 
When we got back from the hike, Matt's mom Donna was there with Maryann and then Steve arrived from Arkansas around 4. 
That makes everyone there Thursday night. We got the $5 pizzas from Little Ceasars and then who ever wanted to could come to the AMF bowling for John's somewhat bachelor party. That was fun we had all but jolene come and play. Plus we had Uncle Ben come as well. Brian won the second game and I think Matt won the first game. I cam nowhere near winning. I don't think I even broke 100 either game.
On Friday we just ran errands. I went with Donna to get a dress for the wedding. She didn't like the ones she had made. Then that night Jolenes husband Ji came in from New Mexico.
That night was the wedding dinner with both families. John and Micah had it catered from Joes Real BBQ and from Waldos BBQ. They liked the meat better from Waldos and the sides better from Joes. So it was the best of the two best BBQ places in town. Kathryn got to meet one of Micah's little neices. They are only one month apart. THey had fun Friday night and then again on Saturday at the reception.
Saturday was the wedding day. It took place at the Mesa Arizona LDS Temple. It was a great wedding. The sealer did an amazing job. He said two things that I thought were the best advice for any couple.
1. Stay away from Sin, Run away from it
2. Never Neglect your spouse
Afterwards we took some pictures and then ate left over BBQ and played some pool at Ben's house. The Open house was at a previous bishoprics house over on the south side of South Mountain. It was a very lovely home and a beautiful backyard. Kathryn loved eating the rocks. She was the hit of the show, well besides the bride! Micah was beautiful. They looked so happy. After the Open house the rest of Matt's brothers and sisters went to dinner for some Mexican. It was a really nice evening except for my shoes which as soon as I got home took them off and put them in my DI bag.
Jolene and Ji left Saturday night, Steve Flew out on Sunday Morning early, Ted, Maryann and the Parents stayed for church. Ted stayed until Monday Morning. That was fun having him there to visit a little more then just wedding talk. I fixed him Curry and he thought it was great. I had to show him that I can cook cause when we were at his house last fall his wife Hisako showed me up! She is the most amazing cook and its like that every night. No meal is off the cuff.
Overall it was a great weekend. Lots of people in the house and good times.
John and Micah are now on their Honeymoon Cruise to Mexico in the Gulf of Mexico. They'll be back this weekend and then they have their Reception in Snowflake the 8th. We'll join them in those festivities as well!