Wednesday, July 28, 2010

My Baby Can MOVE!

Most kiddo's with Spina Bifida have some sort of leg paralysis but as you can see from my little mover, Charlotte has no problems moving her legs around. It makes me so happy to see her wiggle around. Now if we could only get her neck stronger so she could hold up her head I'm sure she could sit up on her own.

We had a little scare with her shunt this weekend. It was looking kinda puffy and since we were about to get on an airplane to come back home from the Weir reunion in AZ,(post coming soon) I wanted to get her checked out. And lucky us we were just being over paranoid. She's fine and all the neuro had to say was how amazed he was at her leg movement! I guess any word of praise is a good one even if it's going to cost us $100 for an ER visit!

1 comment:

Gretchen said...

Makes my heart happy to see her looking so well...

Praying often for your family and the journey you are all on :)

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